Cookie Policy

At ChainSec, we use cookies to ensure that our website and digital services function in the best possible way. A cookie is a small text file that is saved via the browser on your device (computer, mobile phone, tablet). Some of our cookies are necessary for our website and digital services to function correctly. Other types of cookies help increase our understanding of how our website is used, and other cookies help us offer you relevant marketing.

You choose which categories of cookies you want to allow on your device. You can change your settings at any time via the link below. The personal information that you are asked to provide, and the reasons why you are asked to provide it, will be made clear to you at the point we ask you to provide your personal information.

Why does ChainSec use cookies?

We use cookies to:

What types of cookies does ChainSec use?

Our ambition is to be transparent and offer easily accessible information about which cookies we use and how we work with them. Therefore, we have chosen to group our cookies into three easily understandable categories that you can consider.

These cookies are required for our website and digital services to function correctly and securely. It is not possible to opt-out of these cookies via our website. If you choose to disable them in another way (read more below), some functions on the website will stop working.

Analysis & Product Development
These cookies provide us with the basis to develop and improve our website based on statistical information about how it is used. We collect information such as the number of visits, how the pages are used, and which parts of the website are more or less popular.

ChainSec uses this type of cookie for customer segmentation, which we use in conjunction with marketing and online advertising. We do this with the help of third-party providers such as Google. Our goal is always to communicate and advertise products and services that are relevant to you.

How can I control how cookies are used?

We have made it easy for you to set your own preferences for cookies. By adjusting the cookie settings, you can decide whether to allow cookies related to analysis/product development and marketing. You can change your choices at any time. Cookies classified as necessary cannot be opted out of.

You can also manage cookies via your web browser. You can both clear existing cookies and prevent new cookies from being saved. Most browsers also offer a private mode that prevents certain cookies and automatically deletes them after a browsing session. See your browser's help section for more information. We have compiled direct links to the help sections for the most common browsers below.

More questions about cookies?

You are always welcome to contact us with any questions related to our handling of your data, including cookies. Please reach out to our Data Protection Officer using the contact details below.

Fiive AB
Kungsgatan 4, 411 19 Gothenburg, Sweden